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Frédéric Lagrange is more than a photographer, he is an explorer and visual story teller whose work spans from luxury lifestyle, hospitality, and travel to cultural documentary photojournalism in some of the most remote corners of the world. His evocative images tell real stories about people and humanity through expression, emotion, and body language.

Brand creators call on Frédéric to create imagery that reflects their multifaceted needs and stirs the emotions of their audiences. He has been documenting the world for the last twenty years—traveling through more than 100 countries—since he first picked up a camera. Although Frédéric is best known for his images of South, South East, and Central Asia, he is also recognized worldwide for his travel, lifestyle, and portraiture work.

Frédéric’s evocative color and black and white images have been featured in numerous magazines and advertising campaigns around the world.His first book, MONGOLIA, a large format, limited-edition photo book capturing the country over 17 years, was published by Damiani in 2018.

Frédéric currently divides his time between the US and Asia.



PDN 30 under 30 2003

The American Photography Annual 2008, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019

Society of Publication Designers Annual 2003, 2008, 2016, 2017

PDN Photography Annual 2008, 2016

Sony Emerging Talent Award 2016



Mongolia is a large format photography book, and Frédéric Lagrange's personal passion project, which tells the visual story of this largely unknown and intriguing country and its people through a series of 185 black & white and color portraits and landscapes. The project has taken him 17 years—and 13 month-long trips to complete.


"Frédéric Lagrange brings a majestic sense of form together with a vibrant feel for color to evoke places that can be reached only through stamina and single-minded focus; he travels to the farthest corners of the planet, at length and repeatedly, and brings back images that expand our sense of dignity and possibility. I’m always delighted to collaborate with him because the books he’s producing are as much labors of love—and artistry—as his intrepid journeys to the world’s most remarkable destinations."

—Pico Iyer, Writer

"Frédéric’s photography delivered the majesty and sweeping beauty of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. He has a keen eye for composition and detail and captured so many "magical moments” in our Parks. The in-house creative team loved working with him. Frédéric delivered amazing images that will be used for years to come."

—Marty Muller, Former SVP, Global Creative, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products.

"I worked with Frédéric as his first assistant for over five years, learning not only the fundamentals for a professional photographic career but the strength & hard work one needs in order to accomplish their dreams. Those years learning under Frédéric were some of the most influential and inspiring years of my apprenticeship that have stayed with me to this day. Frédéric is not only an astoundingly remarkable artist with extraordinary vision, he emphasizes the preparation needed for each shoot, from budget management to location research and scouting with quick analysis and adjustment when things don’t go according to plan. Outside of the logistics of shoots, Frédéric showcased to me what it means to have true, unapologetic passion for his art. I am forever indebted to him for all he has taught me and the true mentorship he continues to show me. An artist and mentor extraordinaire!"

—Aurélie Graillot, long-time first assistant, Still-life photographer

"Our creative teams spanned the globe searching for the right photographer to launch our new campaign for Chevron entitled “Human Energy.” Frederic was the unanimous choice by agency and client. His ability to tell a story in a frame with dignity, grace and an engaging and enlightening truth of place, people and purpose is unparalleled. Frederic does not so much create moments as capture the essence of them. The authenticity and powerful intimacy of them stirs multiple emotions but in all there is a sense of elevation of the human spirit that is, in essence, both particular and universal. His commanding humility and gymnastic agility allow him to disappear in virtually any location making the captured moments ring true because, in fact, they are. Frederic’s work never exploits but always expands our world view through his expansive eye and generous heart."